Ari Gómez Borges International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Ari Gómez Borges

Graduated in Psychology at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay in 2008, Diploma in Organizational Consulting and Postgraduate in Organizational Change at the same university. In the year 2017 I moved to Spain and trained in the Master of Work Psychology, Organizations and Human Resources and in the Master of Applied Positive Psychology, both at Universitat Jaume I. My work experience as a professional has been extensive, I have worked in clinical psychology, sports psychology, psychologist in vocational guidance although my greatest experience was in Human Resources. In the last 10 years I worked in different consulting firms and in the human development area of an organization of almost 2000 people. I am currently training academically in the Doctorate in Design, Management and Evaluation of Public Policies in Social Welbeing at the Universitat Jaume I and Universitat de Valencia. Professionally, I work as a Researcher in the WANT Researh Team. My current area of interest is linked to the promotion of psychological self-care of people working in NGOs.

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