Rolanda Manitowabi International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Rolanda Manitowabi

Rolanda Manitowabi is a mother and grandmother. Rolanda is of the wolf clan and is from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory in Ontario, Canada. Since 2004, Rolanda has served as the Executive Director of Ngwaagan Gamig Recovery Centre Inc., an addictions services and treatment organization in Wikwemikong. Rolanda graduated from the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology Program (MAPP) in 2017 at the University of Pennsylvania, and holds a B.A. Hons degree (1998) in psychology from Algoma University. Her work at the treatment centre and in the community has included advocacy, networking, partnerships, committee work, and leading the implementation of various projects. She is dedicated to work for community that involves healing, personal growth, and community wellness.

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