Anna N Hatchard International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Anna N Hatchard

Anna is a healthcare professional with over 30 years’ experience in the National Health Service, and as a clinical practitioner and teacher in neurological rehabilitation in the private sector. Anna’s entrepreneurial tendency led her to found two start-up businesses in novel areas. The first was a neurological physiotherapy practice with a national reputation for excellence. The latest, Laughter Lab, is a bespoke service working with employers to create and maintain optimal worker wellbeing using evidence-based tools which results in creating a positive, can-do work culture. Anna recently completed a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and with Piers Worth published her qualitative study on Laughter Yoga in the European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology in 2021. As a trained Laughter Leader, Anna offers a balanced approach to laughter and positivity, achieving positive health, and sparking connectivity. But she acknowledges that not all positivity is positive. Appropriateness is the key. Her pioneering, explorative approach reflects her wealth of enthusiasm and expertise. Often referred to as “eternally curious and a life-long learner”, Anna combines a physiotherapy and positive psychology background with practical intelligence to inspire others to take laughter seriously.

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