Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Wellbeing for all? Challenging the status quo in bringing applied positive psychology to practice with barriered/marginalized populations (#280)

Deborah Miller 1
  1. PersonaGrata Consulting, TORONTO, ON, Canada

At a time in history where all human beings are experiencing unprecedented existential load from a global pandemic and the questioning of entrenched socio-political-economic ideals, the applications of positive psychology present a potential solution for helping all individuals thrive through these challenging times. However, the highest potential good for positive psychology in practice pre-supposes we are a profession immune to entrenched socio-political-economic ideals.

Ungar (2019, p. 133) suggests that we must learn what exists as the status quo before we test it’s limits. Positive Psychology gave rise to practice that challenged the status quo in Psychology. We further challenge Applied Positive Psychology to create inclusive practice with barriered/marginalized populations.

Niemiec, Shogren and Wehmeyer (2016) assert that there is a need for validation of character strengths interventions and for additional training for educators, coaches and other helping professionals in working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (p. 19). Tomasulo (2014) highlighted a missing link to improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by not addressing mental health needs. Tomasulo exposed a void in providing supports that recognize needs arising for complex intersectional identities and further noted that the interventions from the field of positive psychology and positive psychotherapy presume the client can read and write.

In practice, supporting cultures of inclusion so that people with complex intersectional identities are enabled to recognize, showcase, and enact strengths and create hope, optimism and flourishing requires a commitment to hearing, seeing, and respecting the whole person.

In this workshop, you will benefit by learning:

  • What we learned from designing programs that support cultures of inclusion in a social service environment using the principles and practices of positive psychology
  • The art of paying attention to issues of inclusion in program design and on the ground
  • Potential new directions for future applications
  1. Niemiec, R., Shogren, K., & Wehmeyer, M. (2016). Character strengths and intellectual and developmental disability: A strengths-based approach from positive psychology. Education and Training in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities., In Press.
  2. Tomasulo, D. J. (2014). Positive group psychotherapy modified for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18(4), 337–350.
  3. Ungar, M. (2019). Change Your World: The Science of Resilience and the True Path to Success. Sutherland House Publishing.
  • Keywords: Coaching, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Education, Sustainability
  • Select your presentation sub-category: How-to-trainings