Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Powered by Starbucks™ - Resilience in the new normal post-COVID-19 era (#352)

Louise Underdahl 1 , Donna Allen 2
  1. School of Public Service & Education, Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
  2. Department of Public Health, School of Nursing and Health Sciences - Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Research suggests the new normal post-COVID-19 may differ from previous theoretical, political, public health, and socioeconomic paradigms, with thought leaders speculating on spillovers, opportunity costs, and rethinking education.  While the tenets of positive psychology provide keys to resilience in the new normal post-COVID-19 era, operationalizing the concept is elusive. The literature confirms a paucity of effective generation and utilization of positive psychology interventions, possibly due to inadequate methodological innovation.  

The individual's worldview has psychological, behavioral, biological, and social consequences.  Depression, anger, hostility, anxiety, and stress increase risk of mortality, heart disease, and illness. Focusing on strength catalyzes natural buffers against misfortune and empowers capacity to find happiness in chaos and evolve toward optimal health, defined as a synthesis of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual wellbeing.  Reframing challenge as opportunity and embracing disruptive creativity are requisite to proactive community-based outreach initiatives.  Findings from this study may provide economic, academic, and public health policymakers with actionable tools to integrate resilience into the post-COVID-19 global ecosystem.

  • Keywords: Coping and Emotion Regulation, Creativity, Flow, Meaning and Purpose, Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth