Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Sleeping with the frenemy: How restricting ‘bedroom use’ of smartphones impacts happiness and wellbeing. (#218)

Nicola J Hughes 1 , Jolanta Burke 1
  1. Nikki Hughes, London, LONDON, United Kingdom

Smartphone technology has dramatically changed the way people interact with the physical and online

world. Research shows both positive and negative impacts of smartphone and social platform use.

Positive outcomes relate to social capital and engagement, while negative impacts result from

compulsive usage, negative comparisons and the stress of being always on. Little evidence is available

regarding wellbeing impacts of smartphone use at particular times of day. This study measures the

impact of overnight smartphone use on wellbeing. Experimental group participants abstained from

smartphone use in the bedroom for one week. The Subjective Happiness Scale, Quality of Life Scale,

Smartphone Addiction Scale and Intensity & Time Affect Survey were issued at the beginning and end of

the week. Paired sample T-Tests compared pre and post intervention participant surveys scores. It was

hypothesised that subjective wellbeing would increase. In three out of four measures (SAS-SV, SHS and

QOLS) the hypothesis was upheld, although impacts were relatively small. 93.6% of experimental group

participants said they mightor wouldconsider self-imposing intervention conditions moving forward,

suggesting that participants experienced greater benefits not measurable through the questionnaires

selected. Some qualitative analysis supports exploration of findings. Further research to explore

other wellbeing impacts is encouraged.


  • Keywords: Coping and Emotion Regulation, Motivation, Positive emotions, Relationships, Systems