Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Using Playfulness to Excel Students' Academic Performance (#342)

Louise Tidmand 1
  1. University of Aarhus, København NV, DENMARK, Denmark

The job life and everyday life in the future pose challenges that require our children to develop new skills – 21st. Century Skills. We can cultivate those skills with play today and excel their academic performance in the process. Play is:

– autotelic and is intrinsically motivated

– play only occurs in a state of wellbeing and when positive emotions trigger a wider thought-and-action repertoire (Frederickson, B. L., 2002) ideal for problem solving.

– play is often in interaction with others and thus train social skills and solving conflicts.

– role-play requires self-control because the actors will have to agree on rules, props and when in play managing outbursts that are out of character. 

In other words when children are in a guided play they are in the Zone of Proximal Learning (Vygotsky, 1967).

In this presentation I will introduce ways to work with play in the classroom and how to boost your students' academic performance.

  1. Margaret L. Kern Centre for Positive Psychology, The University of Melbourne Tel.: +61 3 8344 3402, mail:
  2. Michael Wehmeyer University of Kansas mail:
  • Keywords: Achievement, Education, Motivation, Positive emotions, Relationships
  • Select your presentation sub-category: How-to-trainings