Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Drawing on Synchronicity in Psychological Therapy (#263)

Chris Mackey 1
  1. Chris Mackey and Associates, Geelong West, VIC, Australia

Chris Mackey (Australia) will present a client case study on the potential benefit of drawing on synchronicity in psychotherapy conducted within a private practice setting. The case reflects the key impact of a meaningful coincidence in preventing a suicide and supporting subsequent profound positive change in health (discontinued addictions), relationship and work goals. Objective evidence will be presented of improved functioning following the synchronistic experience on measures of anxiety and depression as well as positive wellbeing. These changes were maintained over time. This presentation highlights how the nature of numinous experience, or sacred experience, can be particularly powerful in supporting lasting improved functioning in broad life domains, as suggested by Pargament (2013). This case specifically highlights the potential of numinous experience in the form of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, to have a sudden, profound and lasting impact, beyond other usual psychological therapy interventions.

  • Keywords: Health and Medicine, Meaning and Purpose, Psychotherapy, Religion and Spirituality