Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

An Online Positive Psychology Intervention to Foster Purpose Among College Students of Color (#179)

Rotem Elinav 1 , Laura Garrison-Brook 1
  1. The Purpose Lab, Claremont, CA, United States

The global pandemic and the growing awareness of racial inequality are urging us to adapt to online delivery of PPIs and to promote more diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure those from marginalized groups also benefit from the science of positive psychology (PP). This presentation will address learnings from an RCT experiment that tested the effectiveness of an online PPI designed to foster purpose among college students of color at a Predominantly Black Institution. The study was conducted in collaboration with a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping youth from marginalized populations to foster purpose in life. Two questions of critical importance to PP researchers, evaluators, and practitioners will be discussed:

1. What are basic principles to consider when engaging in a collaborative project in order to improve the development and application of PPIs during a global pandemic?

2. And how can we contribute to a more ethical and representative research practice? 

  • Keywords: Diversity and Inclusion, Meaning and Purpose, Positive emotions, Relationships