Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

 How Has the COVID Pandemic Affected the Wellbeing of Australian Students? (#110)

Leonie Abbott 1
  1. Positive Education, Geelong Grammar School, Geelong, Victoria, Australia

In Australia in 2020, the COVID pandemic led to lockdowns and school closures. Many students became ‘remote learners’, physically isolated from their peers, disconnected, barraged with images of illness and death, and forced to face an uncertain future, both socially and economically. Some were also exposed to abuse and neglect. This time has also highlighted issues of access and equity, especially within disadvantaged communities.

This shared trauma has affected all students, some more profoundly than others.

It is unsurprising that these circumstances have led to higher rates of mental illness, stress, anxiety and depression in young people. For example, a 2020 study conducted by Smiling Mind and the University of Newcastle revealed the mental health of Australian 18-25 year-olds is the most strained in the nation, reporting higher levels of anxiety, stress and depression than any other cohort.  They were also least likely to know what to do to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

This presentation will share our reflections on the effects the pandemic, lockdowns and school closures have had on Australian students.


  • Keywords: Education, Leadership/Management, Systems