Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Dimensions of interest and generative behaviors as contributing factors to the psychological wellbeing of Mexican older adults (#197)

Ana L. Gonzalez-Celis 1 , Violeta A. Mendoza 1 , Laura E. Raya 1 , Nicolas A. Torres 1
  1. Psychology, National University of Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, México


The generativity construct is defined as the ability of individuals to make contributions that favor the following generations, which implies an interest in being generative and behaviors that can reflect it, however not necessarily this interest is transformed into these generative behaviors (González-Celis & Mendoza-Madrigal 2016; González-Celis & Raya-Ayala, 2017).  Hence, generativity implies a component of personal development and maturity that can explain the psychological wellbeing of older adults.


The study aimed to test the dimensions of generative interest and behavior as factors for the psychological wellbeing of Mexican older adults.


N=188 (age=60-94).


Participants responded to the Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS), Generative Behaviors Scale (GBS), and Ryff´s Psychological Wellbeing Scale (RPWS). 


The results showed significant correlations between LGS and GBS (r= .427, p= .000), LGS, and RPWS (r= .559, p= .000), GBS and RPWS (r = .457, p = .000). The regression model of Psychological Wellbeing and Generative Interest (R = .571, R2 = .327) was significant for the dimensions leaving a legacy and care for others with standardized coefficients (β = .333, p = .000 and β = .189, p = .016). While for the linear regression model of Psychological Wellbeing and Generative Behavior (R = .528, R2 = .279), it was significant for dimensions to transmit knowledge and be creative with standardized coefficients (β = .240, p = .015 and β = .398, p = .000).


It concluded that psychological wellbeing could be explained by the dimensions that leave a legacy and care of others of generative interest and transmit knowledge and be creative of generative behavior. Moreover, generativity in old age could be considered as an important source of wellbeing and be a fundamental ingredient of successful aging.

Study partially supported by the PAPIIT IN309421, DGAPA- UNAM

  1. González-Celis, R. A. L. & Mendoza Madrigal V. A. (2016). Comportamiento generativo y su efecto en la calidad de vida en adultos mayores (Generative behavior and its effect in the quality of life). Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala, 19(1), 171-193.
  2. González-Celis, R. A. L. & Raya Ayala, L. E. (2017). Generatividad en adultos mayores mexicanos: Asociación entre interés y comportamientos generativos (Generativity in mexican older adults: Asociation between interest and generative behaviors). Psicología y Salud, 27(1), 79-88. ISSN 1405-1109
  • Keywords: Aging, Creativity, Life span development, Meaning and Purpose, Positive emotions