Symposium Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice: The Second Version;  (#29)

Tayyab Rashid 1 , Aaron Jarden 2 , Annalise Roache 3 , Tim Lomas 4
  1. University of Toronto Scarborough, Toronto, ONTARIO, Canada
  2. Masters in Applied Positive Psychology , University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  3. Coaching Tool Box, Auckland, New Zealand
  4. Wellbeing for Planet Earth, London, England, United Kingdom

Symposium Summary:

As positive psychology has developed and matured as a field, questions have arisen around how to ensure best practice is being followed. This issue is particularly pertinent in terms of its applied dimensions, such as the provision of positive psychology interventions by students and graduates of MAPP (MSc in Applied Positive Psychology) programmes. At the World Congress of Positive Psychology, 2019 first edition of ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice was presented. Since its launch, the guidelines have been translated into eight languages including German, Russian, Portuguese, Persian, Spanish, Danish, French and Arabic. Guidelines are conceptualized as an iterative process. The symposium presents the process of eliciting feedback from IPPA members and key stakeholders. This feedback was synthesized and discussed in detail to update the Guidelines for its next iteration. This symposium presents the summary of feedback and the process of incorporating it into the next version of the guidelines. The symposium also invites some of the translators to share their impressions and experiences.

Symposium Presentation 1 Proposal:

Title: Iterative Updating with Diversity of Strength Models and Greater Cross-Cultural Considerations

Presenter: Aaron Jarden


This talk covers the main changes from version one of the guidelines that was launched in July 2019, to version two that is to be launched in July 2021 at the IPPA World Congress. At the initial launch of the guidelines in 2019 the team committed to iteratively updating the guidelines every two years with a view to incorporating changes in the field, best practice recommendations, and direct feedback from users (applied positive psychology practitioners) with regard to how practically useful the guidelines are. Some of the main changes include restructuring the presentation of the guidelines to make them easier to consume, further consideration of the role of strengths and various strengths models, greater cross-cultural considerations and consultation, and more resources on how to bring the guidelines to life in practice as just a few examples that will be touched on.

Symposium Presentation 2 Proposal: 

Title: Journey Taken to Move From Iteration One to Two

Presenter: Annalise Roache


Ethical guidelines are practical documents designed to inform and guide practitioners in a field. As such, the authors are committed to a two-yearly iterative, interactive development process. We invited the community of practice to join in crafting the guidelines to ensure they are fit-for-purpose for the myriad of applications found within positive psychology. We will discuss the journey taken to move from iteration one to two, including the engagement and feedback process. 

Symposium Presentation 3 Proposal:


Presenter: Tim Lomas


Positive psychology has been critiqued as Western-centric, as indeed has psychology more broadly. Consequently, there is increasing recognition of the need to develop greater cross-cultural sensitivity, understanding, and appreciation in the field. This applies to the process of developing ethical guidelines, as we have sought to do with this second iteration

Symposium Presentation 4 Proposal: Title:  How I Made Culturally Meaningful Whole  

Presenter: Various


In this segment, we will showcase, 2-minute videos of following translators who will share the meaningful feature of the translation process

  • Johannes Heekerens, Aljoscha Dreisörner (German)
  • Natalie Zadykian, Natalia Tsvetkova (Russian)
  • Carina Bidese, Vivian Callegaro, Rafael Ruschel (Portugues)
  • Marjan HassaniRaad, Naghmeh Taghva (Persian)
  • Andrea Giraldez-Hayes (Spanish)
  • Julie Beicker, Jannie Stricker (Danish)
  • Sok-ho Trinh, Hrafnhildur Krumma Jonsdottir (French)
  • Aisha AlAhmadi (Arabic)
  • Gulten Adiguzel (Turkish)
  • Keywords: Ethical Guidelines, Positive Psychology Interventions, Cross-cultural
  1. Jarden, A., Rashid, T., Roache, A., & Lomas, T. (2019). Ethical guidelines for positive psychology practice(version 1.0: English). International Journal of Wellbeing, 9(3), 1-30. doi:10.5502/ijw.v9i3.921
  • Keywords: Coaching, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership/Management, Public Policy and Civic Engagement, Systems