Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Fostering compassion in the workplace: theory and intervention (#189)

Carla A Furtado 1
  1. Feliciencia Institute, Brasília, DF, Brazil

The corporate environment prioritizes the development of empathy rather than compassion as an organizational value. This might happen because the differences between the two are not clear for business managers, even for human resources executives. Science is clear enough about that difference, both positive psychology and neuroscience. Research has shown that empathy and compassion even activate different neural circuits (Singer and Klimecki, 2014). The potential of compassion on the wellbeing of workers justifies the highlighting of the subject in the workplace. This workshop was originally developed as an approach for a healthcare facility, where more than a thousand workers took part.    

- To promote an updating on the differences between empathy and compassion.
- To present current evidence on the health and wellbeing benefits of compassion.
- To present and experience a scalable intervention for fostering compassion in the workplace.


The first part consists of a brief theoretical presentation. The second is a group intervention designed to promote reflections on previously presented theoretical aspects and personal experiences of compassion. For that, it is used a special boarding game designed for the workshop. 


The expected results are: greater understanding of the compassion process and identification of resources for its promotion. Add to that the sharing of an intervention with potential for replicability. Participants will receive the game as a PDF file.

  • Keywords: Business and Organizations, Education, Health and Medicine
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