Gallery Presentation International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Bloom2Be - a lifestyle  (#216)

Sonja Hruby 1 , Raffaela Bartik 1
  1. SunBe e.U., Wien, AUSTRIA, Austria

Staying positive in times of a global crises: WE BRING POSITIVITY TO YOU.
Bloom2Be by Sunbe is a mobile and hybrid toolkit that unites the most important and highly effective learnings of Positive Psychology (PP), neatly wrapped up in personalized Bloom2Be-workshop packages created and delivered by SunBe-coaches.

We cannot prevent all hardships from happening. But what we at SunBe CAN do is to share our knowledge with as many people as possible and thus make a lasting positive impact. To make it more convenient for people and to lift the stigma of going to high professionals, therefore we bring "help/support" in the shape of PP to the people, making it affordable and with maximum results; simply wellbeing for all!. 

We don't wait until people find us. We find the people and bring happiness right to their doorstep: with our custom "Bloom2Be workshops at home". With our network of A-level experts from all fields ranging from medical doctors to therapists, psycholgists and high profile coaches, all certified in the arts of PP, we rely exclusively on excellence when it comes to the qualifications of our SunBe coaches, but we opt for a totally new approach: We invite those high professionals to exit the confines to visit people right where their life happens - in their homes. We actively aim at transcending barriers and offer positivity tools for any need or interest.
Our workshops include focal points such as: The importance of eudaimonic wellbeing, the power of positive communication, PERMA...

Positive Psychology and Boom2Be by Sunbe are more than just tools, they are a lifestyle. 
Bloom2Be by SunBe is a global Franchise and our concept is based on teachings from the very best: Professor Martin Seligman, Dr. Philip Streit,...
Come work with us!

  • Keywords: Career and Work, Education, Motivation, Positive emotions, Relationships
  • Select your presentation sub-category: Experience it