Christian Waugh International Positive Psychology Association 7th IPPA World Congress 2021

Christian Waugh

Dr Christian Waugh is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University. He received his PhD in Social Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Michigan where he worked with Dr. Barbara Fredrickson on the role of positive emotions in social cognition and resilience. After receiving his PhD, he did a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University with Ian Gotlib where he investigated the psychophysiology and neurobiology of stress in at-risk populations. Currently, Dr. Waugh investigates the contextual utility of positive emotions during stress and the temporal dynamics of emotions. He has expertise in survey, experimental, peripheral psychophysiological, and neuroimaging methods. He has published several articles in some of the most prominent journals in psychology and neuroscience and received several grants. He has also received a faculty fellowship award for being an outstanding teacher-scholar. He has given invited presentations all over the world and his work has been featured in both print and on television.

Abstracts this author is presenting: